SCIN 2530

Natural Systems and Sustainable Ecologies: Sustainable Living Around the World

Webster University

A University Science course that focuses on how different societies around the planet interact with their local and global ecosystems: how those natural systems enable and constrain specific cultures and their ways of life; how various cultures impact their natural environments; how humans meet basic needs such as food, energy, water, shelter, and transportation in different locales; and to what degree the ways they meet them are sustainable. Examples of zones for focused study include Temperate, Arid, Tropical, Mountainous, and Mediterranean rural and urban regions of the world.

This class is coded under the Global Citizenship Program for the Physical and Natural World knowledge area and Critical Thinking skill area.

Overall, this course has heavily broadened my knowledge on sustainable living.
— SCIN 2530 Student
I believe that the more examples we have, the more options for sustainable practices we will have, and with this we can choose and see which ones best fit the reality of our community. Because as we have seen, the place where we are located has a great influence on our practices, especially sustainable ones. But to do so, you need to have an open mind to new possibilities.
— SCIN 2530 Student
There are many things that I took away from this course that I would really try to implement in my personal life. For instance, I did not know or understand how everything in the world produces and uses energy. The amount of energy that we use absolutely startled me.
— SCIN 2530 Student