Private Clients
Bee Liquid Vapor, Taos, NM
Big Phil's Auto Shop, Taos, NM
Behling Residential Deck, Vadito, NM
Cheney Construction Company, Taos, NM
David Rosen Associates, Oakland, CA
Edelweiss Lodge Deck, Taos Ski Valley
Earthship Biotecture, Tres Piedras, NM
Garcia Residence, Petaca, NM
Greater World Land Users Association, Tres Piedras, NM
Griffey Residence, St. Louis, MO
Group 3 Development LLC, Taos, NM
Harvey Residence, Taos Sky Valley
Miceli Residence, El Prado, NM
Stanfield Residence, Taos Sky Valley
Rio del Oro Subdivision, Belen, NM
Taos Mesa Brewing Company, Taos, NM
Heritage Hotels/Palacio de Marquesa, Taos, NM
KRCC Radio, Colorado Springs, CO
Lowry Residence Pumice Wall, Valdez, NM
Mabel Dodge Luhan Retreat Center, Taos, NM
McElwain Residence, Des Montes, NM
Neem Karoli Baba Ashram, Taos, NM
Paradise Power Company, Taos, NM
Robert Parker Associates, Taos, NM
Ryan Residence, Taos, NM
Sittnick Adobe/Straw bale Residence, Grants, NM
Skvarla Carport, Cañon, NM
St. Bernard Condos, Taos Ski Valley
Schoen Construction Company, Taos, NM
Taos Community Foundation, Taos, NM
Taos Mesa Brewing, Taos, NM
Taos Mountain Builders, Taos, NM
Van Zandt Residence, Chama, NM
Wannamaker Pottery Studio, Las Colonias, NM
Washington University Center for the History of Medicine, St Louis, MO
Ziggy’s Frozen Yogurt, Taos, NM
Zorthian Residence, Taos, NM
Government & Institutional Clients
Anansi Charter School
Chrysalis Alternative School
La Jicarita Community School
State of New Mexico Historic Preservation Office
Taos Charter School
Taos County Government
Taos County Jail
Town of Taos Government
Taos Gravel Products
Taos High School Culinary Arts Program
Taos High School Vocational & Technology Program
Taos Integrated School for the Arts
Taos Municipal School District
Taos Pueblo Tribal Court